Reward Vault Request for NECT:HONEY:USDC Multi Stable Pool
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Proposer’s project name: BurrBear
Proposer’s X account (you will be required to make a post from the X account provided for verification purposes)
Best Telegram Handle for questions/fixes @beromepowell
The proposer should be affiliated with the protocol or at least one of the tokens in the contract.
Affiliation (protocol / one of the tokens in the contract): BurrBear team
Protocol Details
Protocol Name: BurrBear
Protocol Type: DEX
Protocol X profile link:
Protocol docs link:
Protocol audits links (multiple links): ,
Does the protocol have any relationship with current Berachain validators? Yes
Contract/Pool Details
Contract Name NECT:HONEY:USDC Multi Stable Pool
Contract Address:
Contract Type / Configuration: Standard AMM Pool
Describe how the contract works: Multi Token Stableswap forked from Balancer v2 ComposableStablePool
Contract Fees: Outline the fee structure: LPs earn fees taken from trades.
Existing Liquidity / TVL: ~$4M TVL, $17M volume as of 2/25/25 - See Pool
Identify any address(es) controlling more than 10% of the contract shares: team has no liquidity in this pool. largest likely from boyco.
Is the contract upgradable? No
Contract Control: Multisig then later Governance (process starting after TGE)
Additional details on Contract Control: will switch to governance once BURR token launched
Is the contract verified? Yes
Can the contract be paused? Swaps can be paused during emergency scenarios, but removing liq will always be functional
Does the contract rely on oracles? No
(If yes, explain oracle dependency)
Provide the following details for each token in the contract (up to 5):
Major Token #1:
Name: Honey
Symbol: HONEY
Major Token #2:
Name: USDC.e
Symbol: USDC.e
For Non-Major Tokens:
Name: Nectar
Symbol: NECT
Contract Addresses:
Tokenomics, Distribution, and Vesting: NA, its a stablecoin
Identify any address(es) controlling more than 10% (address / type: team, foundation, investor, etc.) for NECT, Beraborrow LSP controls the MOST, followed by concrete and kodiak island viewable on
Does the project issuing the token have any relationship with current Berachain validators? Yes, infrared, kodiak, THJ, Kiln, validation cloud, Nocturnal labs and more
Total Supply Cap (if any) NA, NECT is a stablecoin minted off of collateral, as collateral is supplied
Circulating Supply 27,868,886
Token Type: Stablecoin
Provide extra details Deposit collateral, mint NECT. redeem NECT for collateral ->
Token Control: Permissionless
Additional details on Token Control: 90% permissionless 10% multisig
Is the token contract verified? Yes
Is the token a standard ERC20 or any functions have been customized? (e.g. transfer, balance, mint, burn…) Custom:
Can the token be paused? No
Required Data for Incentive Token:
Name: BERA
Symbol: BERA
Additional Requirements:
Specify how many tokens you plan to allocate for incentives and over what period of time. BurrBear will allocate roughly half of its RFA towards building this pool over 6 months to establish deep stablecoin liquidity on Berachain (the rest would go to other 2/3/4 token stable pools for BERA/BGT/BTC/ETH LSTs). Some initial RFA has been allocated to our temporary staking contract, but emissions rate will be increased as (a) this pool is BGT whitelisted and (b) boyco nears end of 3 month duration.
Outline how decisions about token incentives are made (DAO, multi-sig, etc.). Multisig pre TGE, then post TGE full tokenomics will be made available to transition to DAO governed incentives management. Read more here ->
Incentive Manager address (this address will manage the incentive token, being able to add incentive tokens to the reward vault and change the incentive rate)
Why This Contract Matters:
How will this contract benefit Berachain? Stablecoin liquidity and subsequent volume is essential for future use cases to be enabled on Berachain. BurrBear’s BURR token serves as primary incentive for the growth of liquidity for USD stablecoins, then eventually base liquidity for other majors and RWA tokens (starting with going live with tokenized stocks vs 3pool tokens) to give Berachain real world utility as liquidity deepens on chain and the ecosystem matures.
Will it deepen liquidity for a major ecosystem token (e.g., BERA, core stable asset)? Yes - HONEY and USDC
Does it enable important trading pairs that drive adoption or integrate with other Berachain projects? Yes, upcoming berachain native stablecoins intend to LP against the 3pool: :<3pool LP token> to bootstrap their own liquidity/volume and further build the 3pool (HONEY:NECT:USDC) organically without relying on staking rewards alone.
Potential Volume / TVL:
Provide metrics or estimates on liquidity you expect to attract. Already reached $4m TVL and $17M volume. Up only with BGT whitelisting. Short term target: $10M TVL, $50M vol. Long term: $100M TVL, $1B vol.
Highlight any known liquidity commitments. Aside from Boyco, various platforms are starting to integrate to “re-sell” the 3pool rewards in exchange for liquidity from their communities. TurtleDAO is the first live that has contributed ~$500k TVL (see announcement with many others currently integrating.
Synergies with Other Protocols:
Will this contract feed into any yield aggregators, lending markets, or liquid staking derivatives on Berachain? Yield aggregators and lending markets are currently integrating the 3pool.
Marketing / Promotion:
Are there plans to co-market with another project to bootstrap liquidity? Yes incentives are co-provided between BurrBear and Beraborrow.
Long-Term Vision:
How could this reward vault evolve over time? This reward vault will serve to grow cornerstone liquidity for USD stablecoins initially, but eventually as base liquidity for other majors and RWA tokens (starting with going live with tokenized stocks vs 3pool tokens) to give Berachain real world utility as liquidity deepens on chain and the ecosystem matures.